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Successful or not

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi, how successful are you guys on this site, I have sent out a couple of messages and not had one reply! what must one do right to be successful here?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I will take a look at your profile and let you know what I think. In the mean time mail me as though you were making first contact and wanted to meet, if you want feedback on your approach. I've helped a couple of members get a better result smile
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
A few non genital pics and also don't try so hard. Also post a nice add and let them come to you, I have better results when I'm sitting back.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I have found over my many years on sites... People who has...the best results are.... A well written profile .......give a little of yourself and give a little humor in it,and do tell the truth. A well/fully filled in/out requests and likes or dislikes in the basic profile is very helpful. A profile photos That is NOT your genitals taken in a toilet!!!! A change of profile photos now and then is good thing it keeps it interesting. A ACTIVE participation in any area like in CHAT or FORUMS or in the STORY sections also makes you known and people is ready to go browse who you are.... A friendly way of replying to all incoming mails. An original wink that is NOT the site standard one you sent out to other profiles. Oh, and do sometimes CHANGE your written profile a also keeps it interesting.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I see you haven't even been here a whole month! This lifestyle is not a hook up and shag thing. It's a bit more subtle and slow to start than that. You need to stick around a while. Your profile needs a re-read - there are some typos and maybe add a bit more about you and whether you're looking for quick hookups NSA or long-term friendship type swingers. Also no pics means you are often eliminated from people's searches even right from the start - most true genuine swingers looking to actually meet (as apposed those who want to lurk in the shadows with their fantasies) will only engage with people if there are pictures on a profile (even if they are locked in a private album, they will still count!). But don't make the mistake of uploading 20 images of your bits (only) from the same angle in various stages of arousal or a cum shot (very ick!) if you're looking for the long term friendship style swinging types -> for them your WHOLE package is more interesting and they want to know about WHO you are.