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the use of illegal drugs?

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Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Good day all. Very excited to have my first post here on the forum and I wish there will be plenty of interest on this topic, and hopefully many more in the near future. Apart from celebrating easter this past weekend some of you might be aware that 420 was celebrated globally as well, (4-20 is known as the international day of marijuana). My question to the forum is this...what are your thoughts on using illegal drugs whilst engaging in sex? I'd love to hear your thoughts, opinions and stories. Personally (during my varsity years). I am confident that I've had sex whilst being under the influence of almost EVERY drug known to man. I considered myself a young Hunter S. Thompson if you will. But more recently I've engaged in sex with a female whilst she was high on methtik. As scared as I was( you hear scary stories). I endured it and it turned out not to be to bad. I was sober and have been for some time. My experience is that every person has a different reaction to different chemicals or substances. Its just sad to hear of some of the tradegies that happen when things go overboard.
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Sex is such an awesome activity on its own, why would anyone need to be on something to enjoy it more? I want to have a clear head and be able to remember my experiences later. I suppose, each to his own, but we avoid drugs at all costs, and would not play with people who were using either.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Welcome to the forums please do participate and post LOTS and LOTS of topics. I am just not sure if this forum is going to remain here for us to discuss, as the only thing Admin is strongly against is the discussion of any drugs whether it is legal or illegal. As someone who daily works with DRUG related PROBLEMS I am NOT someone who will ever think taking drugs for what ever reason is safe or sociable. I also KNOW most people do not go out and say they want to become drug-addicts, it just happens. No one is really SAFE. Even the use of excessive alcohol is something I am not agreeable with. Why have sex with an person who is intoxicated?? They might think they are doing great, mostly they are NOT. Using what ever anyone is using(drugs/alcohol) to be more *relaxed* shows me as a person that that person is not really comfortable in his or her own skin and has to rely on something to Loosen up. But this is me and MY own feelings about alcohol and any DRUG.I might sound like a sour puss and negative to you and anyone who might be using. It is not meant that way....I just KNOW and work with the negative results it leaves behind in life. If anyone uses and they are not affected they can only say Thank You.....but they can never be complacent about it. Just a quick question I DO NOT UNDERSTAND... pasting in.... * I've engaged in sex with a female whilst she was high on methtik. As scared as I was( you hear scary stories). I endured it and it turned out not to be to bad. * What do you mean by * you ENDURED the sex * was it against your will??
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I must agree with Pib, a good topic, but don't think Admin will allow it. Drugs stay drugs, there are even legal drugs but can only used under Dr prescription. But to bee drugged to have sex not a very good idea.
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi guys. Glad to see the discussion took off. I suppose I did not read the entire rules and regulations pf forum posts, did not realize that it is considered a no-no. Therefore apologize in advance. I only realize now what the impact could be by perhaps leading recovering addicts into temptation. Hope I did not open a can of worms. Just to make myself clear, the idea of this discussion came purely after a coversation about the whole thing. @ P.I.B- endured was the wrong word to use. I realize that now. It was a situation where I met someone and one thing led to the next. Etc. If the discussion has to be removed by admin, I understand why, and I respect. Just really thought it would make a good discussion. You guys must enjoy the remainder of the weekend, Love and peace
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Its a funny old world this.... The debate around the use of drugs usually starts and stops with the use of Illegal substances, and skips lightly over the use of socially acceptable drugs or those prescribed - Alcohol, cigarettes, Viagra and the like.... In a previous thread, it was suggested that the use of viagra would have been able to sort out someones 'dysfunctionality' Alcohol / smoking is always the most socially acceptable, and in fact, the question is there to be answered on your profile, do you drink or smoke? Perfectly normal ! A lot of people (most) drink and say so (even if moderately) as do many people smoke. I have seen a few profiles indicate a preference for non- smokers, and a few more indicating their non acceptance of drugs, and I guess we all understand exactly whats being referred to their. I am yet to see anyone suggest they dont want to play with drinkers...? Probably the most reprehensible of all? The primary difference between the lot as I see it, is its legality. Added to that, is the morality of the person/s against its uses. I have often wondered if recreational drugs were legal, and you were born into such a society, would there still be such a moral unacceptance? If a drinker arrived on your doorstep completely blotto, I have no doubt that most of us would send them hightailing faster than the pop of a champagne cork. Yet if someone admits to be a casual user of drugs, they wouldnt even get the opportunity to knock on the door - stone cold sober. Again, many stories abound of people getting out of their cups at a swingers party - and only then being ejected! Now I am neither a druggie, stoner or habitual user of anything. Ok ok, I smoke and I drink, but I am capable of managing that "problem". I have met non-smokers, and dont smoke when Im with them because I realise thats its the habit, smells etc that they dont like, and I am not only repectful of that, but also dont take their preferences personally. It really is about choices and judgmentality. Make your choices because you're entitled to them, not because you're being judgemental.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Sorry guys discussion of drugs is not allowed as per AUP. This thread will now be locked