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Warming the Bed
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Never in my life have I found tattoos appealing, something strange is happening to me - Im suddenly (at my age!!) finding them a huge turn on. Doctor, whats happening to me? and no, Im not about to get any...
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I simply love body art. I do find it very erotic on men and women. But I also have to say one thing about tattoo`s, it really needs to be ART and one has to keep it in ship shape condition..meaning when it fades you need to do the upkeep. I dislike those tattoo`s that covers your body but it all is *loose* standing little pictures just in faded blue ink. For myself, I only had one tattoo done in my life but that was just a *part-time* tattoo done in henna on my foot and leg but that was ages ago. Tattoo`s on the older generation like myself tends not to be sexy at all! our skin becomes loose and saggy thus the poor little *love* birdie becomes a hawk in the end. I think most people forget that when they become older,their tattoo (`s) takes on a new life with their skins ageing. But there is nothing sexier than a nice tattoo!!! Like I said, I love body art.
Sex God
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I myself have two or three. My first one, done 20 years ago, is something I "regret" today (poor choice of image) and am currently looking to have covered with something more appropriate. I agree with PIB, they do have their place, but art is important.
Warming the Bed
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The Mrs has tattoos but myself the Mr can't wrap my mind around to getting one due to how I grew up. I grew up being surrounded by the Islamic part of my family and it was and still is very much frowned upon. I will admit that I do find SOME tattoos a turn on but it really does depend. If its something all too common like stars, then no. Not a turn on as it is too common or just to simple, I don't know.. When someone does put in a lot of thought into a tattoo and really tries to create a piece of art on their body, then I will admit. There is a certain appeal to that, that I can't explain. I guess if it catches my imagination, I'll like it.
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My Master has a few tattoos and I love them. I love sitting behind her and slowly stroking my fingers across the tattoos. It's a great way to relax at the end of the night or eve for aftercare. Personally I can't see myself getting one though.