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In the chat room

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Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I would like to ask..When one comes into a chat room ..and says "Hi All" and some people say hi back, Is it expected to greet them back..
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
If we did that it would be the the best episode of The Walton ever - I wonder if The Waltons were swingers :think:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I think its only good manners, if you afraid of cloud the pool, like the Waltons, do it in whisper
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I greet all those who greet me back but thats just me
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I believe a general greeting is just that .. but it is common courtesy if you chat to someone regularly to greet .. also I believe if you are greeted by name it would only be good manners to greet back