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Sometimes we need reminding of STD's
What is an STI?
An STI (formerly called an STD) is an infection that can be passed from one person to another through sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral). What types of STIs are there?
The most common STIs are as follows :
Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. If left untreated, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (P.I.D.) in women which can result in infertility, chronic pelvic pain and ectopic pregnancies. It is known as the 'silent disease' as up to 75% of women and 50% of men can have no symptoms at all. Common symptoms include abnormal vaginal discharge, pain on passing urine, pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, irregular vaginal bleeding. Testing can be done on a urine sample or by taking a swab from the cervix and it is easily treatable with antibiotics.
Anogenital Warts
Warts are a very common sexually transmitted infection. They present usually as non- painful lumps anywhere on the genital area and are caused by the HPV virus. This virus can live in the body for many years and people can carry the virus and not know it. Different strains of the virus can cause either external warts or cervical cancer/pre-cancerous cells. Although there is no cure for HPV, there are treatments for external warts including cryotherapy ('freezing treatment')
Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection in the genital area which can cause vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, penile discharge or pain on passing urine. Like Chlamydia, it can have no symptoms at all and cause pelvic inflammatory disease (P.I.D.) which in turn can lead to infertility, chronic pelvic pain and infertility. Testing can be done on a urine sample or by taking a swab. If diagnosed, it is easily cured with antibiotics.
Genital Herpes
Genital herpes is a viral infection which is easily transmitted from person to person. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus which can live around the lips or mouth causing 'cold-sores', or in the genital area causing genital herpes. It causes ulcerated, often painful lesions/blisters around the genital area. Diagnosis is made by visual inspection or by taking a swab. There is no cure for genital herpes but out-breaks can be treated with anti-viral medications.
H.I.V. (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
H.I.V. is a virus that can cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S.). It can be transmitted by sexual intercourse and stays in the body for life, attacking your immune system so that you are unable to fight infections. It is diagnosed by a blood test and requires life-long treatment and monitoring.
Syphilis is transmitted by direct contact with a syphilis sore or lesion and is caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum. Ulcers can be found in the genital area and also in the mouth/around the lips. There are 3 stages of the disease and it develops over years. If treated with antibiotics in the early stage it can be cured. It is diagnosed on a simple blood test but if left untreated, it can spread in the bloodstream and cause many problems in different parts of the body.
Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause vaginal discharge in women and discharge from the penis in men. It is often without symptoms but can be passed from person to person during sexual contact. It is easily treatable with antibiotics.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that can be transmitted by sexual intercourse and can cause inflammation of the liver. It can also be transmitted by sharing needles for drug use, from a mother to her baby and from tattoos with unsterilised tools. It usually has no symptoms but can cause serious liver disease. Diagnosis is by a blood test.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is another liver infection which is usually transmitted by sharing/using unsterilised needles for injecting drugs, from mother to baby and also by sexual contact. It can be diagnosed by a blood test and can be treated with a long course of medication. If left untreated it can cause 'cirrhosis' of the liver, liver failure and, in some cases, can lead to liver cancer.
Pubic Lice
Pubic lice are tiny insects that live on the hair in the pubic area. They attach strongly to the hair and are not removed by normal washing or brushing. The main symptom is itch and they can be passed on by close genital contact. Treatment is with a specialized cream or lotion.
Some infections in the genital area are not classed as STIs –
Molluscum Contagiosum
Master of Sex
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thank you for the info just more reasons why we just dont just into bed with any one
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You forgot one very serious STI... Pregnancy! he he he...
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Oiiiiiiii @ Mister is ready to get some of my CP I love using my bare hands for that.....and it will be for Saying something awful as what you just did!!! This IS how I will do lying,( pants down to your feet), over my lap...your still soft cock resting on my closed pink bottom sticking up in the air while you balance yourself on the floor with both hands and your head down facing the floor. I give an evil smile in anticipation....... I start of with a soft teasing rub all over your bottom......with my whole hand then tiiny little pinch between your rectum and your scrotum, Then I bend forward and blow on your back.... Dare you look behind you, to see when I will start the spanking?? I push your head back down and then run my whole hand over both buttocks UNTILL I see you relax...I lift my hand and give you sharp stinging Spank.. Spank.... spank ....spank.......slaps,hurting my hand as I am hurting your bottom. Then I bend forward and blow on the sting.... rubbing your back and keeping your head down.... Do YOU want more??? Say something like babies are STD/STI `s....... I love giving Corporal Punishment!!!!
Sex God
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Quote by Pussinboots1
Oiiiiiiii @ Mister is ready to get some of my CP I love using my bare hands for that.....and it will be for
Saying something awful as what you just did!!!
This IS how I will do lying,( pants down to your feet), over my lap...your still soft cock resting on my closed pink bottom sticking up in the air while you balance yourself on the floor with both hands and your head down facing the floor.
I give an evil smile in anticipation.......
I start of with a soft teasing rub all over your bottom......with my whole hand
then tiiny little pinch between your rectum and your scrotum,
Then I bend forward and blow on your back....
Dare you look behind you, to see when I will start the spanking??
I push your head back down and then run my whole hand over both buttocks UNTILL
I see you relax...I lift my hand and give you sharp stinging
Spank.. Spank.... spank ....spank.......slaps,hurting my hand as I am hurting your bottom.
Then I bend forward and blow on the sting....
rubbing your back and keeping your head down....
Do YOU want more???
Say something like babies are STD/STI `s.......
I love giving Corporal Punishment!!!!

@PIB, you will just have to remember, poor old Stamina does not get any, so the moment you put him over your lap, he is going to make a mess . . . . best make sure you have a waterproof sheet on your legs first . . . . wink
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Quote by Irish
Sometimes we need reminding of STD's

Well said, Irish! I am sometimes horrified by some of the postings on this site, mainly in the stories and on the Dogging pages. There seems often to be a blatant disregard for (can't believe it is ignorance about!) the dangers of unprotected sex with people where you haven't the foggiest notion what their sexual history might be. And particularly for Glory Holes, as you pointed out elsewhere! You never know what that silly dick has been up to, or where it has previously been visiting!...
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
@ SDMR now putting a waterproof sheet or what ever , will surely spoil MY fun!!! And should he dare to PEE ON ME....oh boy more than 4 little slaps.... See, while I AM MOST certainly NOT Stamina`s cuppa....and he will feel safe KNOWING he will NOT get an erection...... I KNOW just HOW to get that *slap pap genital of his standing at attention,rock hard and solid.......and then MY fUN starts.....and just to let him get up from my lap BLUSHING like mad..... will make MY DAY!!!! And make him eat his *words* in shame!!!!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
HPV. Human Papillomavirus. A viral infection spread mainly through male to female oral sex (female recipient). The virus is fairly harmless in females and over 50% of woman carry it. It does not in itself directly effect males but studies have shown that it causes throat cancer in 50-60% of men who contract it. Saw this on a documentary about it on History Channel a few weeks back and read up about it. It has been ignored for too long and dismissed as a minor ailment. New studies over the last 10 years have shown it is present in over 50% of sexually active people but ignored as there are no symptoms.
Warming the Bed
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Quote by Stamina
HPV. Human Papillomavirus.
A viral infection spread mainly through male to female oral sex (female recipient). The virus is fairly harmless in females and over 50% of woman carry it. It does not in itself directly effect males but studies have shown that it causes throat cancer in 50-60% of men who contract it.
Saw this on a documentary about it on History Channel a few weeks back and read up about it. It has been ignored for too long and dismissed as a minor ailment. New studies over the last 10 years have shown it is present in over 50% of sexually active people but ignored as there are no symptoms.

HPV has been shown to be a contributory cause of cervical cancer - and not only transmitted through oral sex - thats why the vaccine is now routinely given to girls in year 8 at high school in the UK when they are 13 years old, for protection ;) It escapes me why they dont give the vaccine to boys also, would save a whole lot of heartache down the line if they did :/
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by katniss
HPV. Human Papillomavirus.
A viral infection spread mainly through male to female oral sex (female recipient). The virus is fairly harmless in females and over 50% of woman carry it. It does not in itself directly effect males but studies have shown that it causes throat cancer in 50-60% of men who contract it.
Saw this on a documentary about it on History Channel a few weeks back and read up about it. It has been ignored for too long and dismissed as a minor ailment. New studies over the last 10 years have shown it is present in over 50% of sexually active people but ignored as there are no symptoms.

HPV has been shown to be a contributory cause of cervical cancer - and not only transmitted through oral sex - thats why the vaccine is now routinely given to girls in year 8 at high school in the UK when they are 13 years old, for protection ;) It escapes me why they dont give the vaccine to boys also, would save a whole lot of heartache down the line if they did :/
The point of the documentary was to raise awareness and get a vaccine program going for boys.
I did read up about the cervical cancer but apparently not as common as the throat cancer in males. Yes, not only spread by oral sex but it is my understanding that it is the "easiest" way to transmit the virus.
Quite a scary thing this and most people have not even heard of it..