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Beautiful and sexy not the samething

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Beautiful and sexy not the samething

14 votes
Yes (6 votes) 43%
No (10 votes) 71%
Swinging Heaven Logo 6 likes

So me and hubby have a question for the swingers on sh is been beautiful mean you sexy also or can you be beautiful but not sexy

So our feeling on it been beautiful does not mean you sexy

Sexy is the way you carry yourself and the way you act

What do the rest of you think

Swinging Heaven Logo 4 likes

You right somebody can be beautiful and lack sex appeal. Sexy means having sex appeal. I think there are lots of woman who are not pretty but have loads of sex appeal in the way they dress, walk basically how they carry themselves.

Swinging Heaven Logo 3 likes

Quote by amethyst

You right somebody can be beautiful and lack sex appeal. Sexy means having sex appeal. I think there are lots of woman who are not pretty but have loads of sex appeal in the way they dress, walk basically how they carry themselves.

That's exactly what we talking about it's amazing that alot of people think if you beautiful you automatically sexy

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

Sexy a hitched skirt on a cross legged woman.....who uses smile ..eyes...and subtle hints while sporting a low cut blouse.... the picture conjured in my mind.....while undressing her..

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

@fadnad, fully agree with your thinking.

@abe123 my thoughts to lol

Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

Quote by fadnad

That's exactly what we talking about it's amazing that alot of people think if you beautiful you automatically sexy

Yes it's a misconception. Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

I think it's they way you carry your self, it's all to do with sensuality and sexuality, not looks, how you mix the two and use it. You can't teach that to someone... unfortunately not all woman has it...

Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

Sexy goes about how you feel about things. I am a boobs guy and stunning boobs is sexy irrespective if I like the rest of the package or not.

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

Both are judged by "the eye of the beholder", beautiful is almost static and more closely related to looks and sexy is fluid/ motion. A beautiful lady might get a second glance but sexy will get the hormones pumping.

I feel there are many people that might think they have above average looks but have no intuition on how to be sexy. I'll personally rather be with someone that can flaunt it and be sexy that someone that believes their looks make up for everything .

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

Mrs @fadnad you're both!

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

I like to use the word sex appeal

Some ladies have an enormous sex appeal, and then you get beautiful woman with no sex appeal what soever
