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Reply to a message or not...

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18 replies
37 watchers

When someone sends you a message:

23 votes
*Ignore it no matter what​​ = 1 (0 votes) 0%
*I read the message and reply if I feel I might want to take it further =2 (9 votes) 39%
*I reply out of common courtesy = 3 (9 votes) 39%
*Look at profile and then reply = 4 (8 votes) 35%
*I don’t do messages = 5 (0 votes) 0%
*Your own reason if it’s not any of the above = 6 (0 votes) 0%
Please reply 1 - 5 or 6 and your own reason... (0 votes) 0%
Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

Hi SH people,

Something I’m wondering about.  Please give me your opinion?

I think this will help people to understand if we send messages, if we leave it, or if we need to change our approach slightly.

Swinging Heaven Logo 2 likes

2 = I read the message and check out the profile, if it someone of interest then I I will reply, I can can clearly see that the person has not looked at my profile then I block 

Swinging Heaven Logo 3 likes

We try reply to messages even if its a polite no thanks.

But when its clear that the person has not even bothered to read our profile, so we ignore those, others are crude , yes we play but that does not mean we common and crude so we simply block the crude replies without blinking an eyelid.

Unfortunately by replying with a "thanks, but sorry we decline the offer" for some leads to a debate on why we should and must.

Another one are the friend request without even a basic hello and introduction, they get declined ASAP.

But never the less we try respond to messages, but then we not on limited messages like the non gold profiles.

Swinging Heaven Logo 3 likes

We used to try and reply to every message, even the bad ones. BUT...that has changed...if you send a "halo da" it's obvious the sender couldn't be bothered to put in a pinch of effort, so why the hell should we even bother with a response. People seem to forget...the first message is the "foot in the door" message...making it a proper one isn't rocket science. 

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 4 likes

if its a proper message we always reply..its just common curtisy(sic) but ignore the  computer generated ones and of course when can we fuck ones

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 2 likes

I'm not big on reading. But some ppl's profile is like reading a book. So ja I wil skip that ones. 

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 6 likes

if a long profile is too much to go through don’t expect much sympathy for being blocked! If you don’t have the time to read through a simple profile you probably don’t have the time for much else 

Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like
Quote by Couplejhb1
if a long profile is too much to go through don’t expect much sympathy for being blocked! If you don’t have the time to read through a simple profile you probably don’t have the time for much else 

 Ditto.... thats how it works.

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

do yoe actually think that its only you on SH. Especially the ones with the shit long profile book. 

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 3 likes

SH is a world of people and every pot will find a lid so no, I don’t foolishly think it’s only us on SH. But the fact of the matter is that if you aren’t willing to put in the effort, you will not reap the rewards. 

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

I have met plenty friends on Sh and had loads of good times with friends. To each there own

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

I personally find that a longer profile write up helps understand the others desires. I have found that short write ups belong to people who are either unsure of what they want or are not as genuine as they should be.

Swinging Heaven Logo 4 likes

Biggest problem is most people that don't get replies couldn't be bothered to actually read a profile or the might find that they wasting there time even sending a message. Read the profile you might find out a few things. People don't spend time on profiles to impress others but to try narrow down what they are really after, and if you not included move on don't ask do you think you might change your mind or have you? 

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

the problem is the empty profiles. No indication of what they want, dislike etc. also selection in preference or interest. Do not think that profile get any hits. 

Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

ja you got me. I skip the book profile. I even skip the profiles with only private parts fotos without a face pick.  I do enjoy a profile with real ppl that know what they want. I have dileksia and reading is a missi. Sorry for that. I'm not sorry for my disability. I always find a way around it. So if u as a couple or single want to block me for not reading your book. Then that is your choice. 

Yes there is lots of fake ppl here. But do keep in mind there is some real ppl to. 

Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like

We dont have a problem to reply on the beginning we replied to most...even if it is just a no thank you. The problem for us is this...we would get anywhere between 5 and 100 messages a day...depends on the day. If we post a new photo or video the hundred turns to 200 and sometimes even 300 messages. We don't have the time to reply to every message. If you reply with a no thank you it usually start a conversation.

We will only reply to messages if the profile interest us, if someone gives us a compliment ( although that usually turns into conversations as well) or when it is a "foot in the door" message like mentioned above. We ignore automatic messages, messages from profiles without photos and messages from someone more than a 100km from us( most of time). If we don't all our time will be spent on the site and there will be no time to play. That will be a shame...

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

I always reply - normally look at profile first.

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

I always reply. I think it is the correct thing to do.

Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

I generally reply even if it is to say "I doubt that we would ever meet"